February 22, 2010

Tagine of Chicken, Preserved lemon, Olive and fresh Coriander


1 chicken, separated into drum, thigh, breast, etc.
2 onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic
a bouquet of fresh parsley and cilantro
4 T olive oil
2 t ginger powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ground cinnamon
a pinch of saffron
salt and pepper to taste
2 preserved lemons
1/2 cup purple olives

Separate the chicken into pieces and coat with spices and 2T of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Cut the preserved lemons into quarters, and separate the pulp from the peel. Finely slice the peel and reserve for later use. Chop and add the lemon pulp to the chicken. In a tagine or casserole, heat 2T of oil . Add half of the sliced onions. Put the marinated chicken on top. Add the other half of the onions on top of the chicken. Add salt and pepper and the parsley and coriander bouquet garni.

Add 3/4 cup of water. Bring to a simmer and let cook for about 30-40 minutes. Check the chicken periodically with a wooden spatula to make sure it’s not sticking. Simmer until the chicken juices run clear and the meat is moist and tender.

Add the olives 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with lemon peel at the end. Serve piping hot! Tagines available from www.tagines.com or www.
surletable.com. look for Emil Henry, Le Crueset or All Clad.

Morocco Feast for the Senses. April 18th, 2010!

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